Selected Paint jobs and Design Projects from Danny Schramm

Color of the Year: “seaglass”

We sprayed my car in Sea Glass this week, Axalta’s Colour of the Year 2020.

I’ve never got so many compliments on a new colour so far. It seems that this amazing colour is everyone’s favourite and of course, 100% peelable.

A million thanks to Danny Schramm and his team at Schrammwerk for this amazing masterpiece.


Dieser BMW war das erste Fahrzeug welches die Farbe (Sea Glass) des Jahres von Axalta [Axalta Coating Systems ist einer der weltweit größten Hersteller von Autoserienlacken mit Hauptsitz in Philadelphia, USA.] in einer 100% abziehbaren Version PCP bekommen hatte. Alxalta hatte dieses Projekt mehrfach vorgestellt.

“This past year, Sea Glass, a modern turquoise blue and Axalta’s 2020 Global Automotive Color of the Year, set the trend as a fresh new color for all vehicle types. Check out some of the ways our customers and partners have rode the waves of Sea Glass!” -Axalta

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